Tips and Tricks for the ABAP® Programming Language
Y9030019 – Helper macro for binary search demo
This report reads a text table. The columns 1-8 of each row will be used to create an internal table with a binary key. ZSUMME contains the count of idential keys.
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REPORT Y9030019 LINE-SIZE 130. "Release 3.1G, 4.5A ************************************************************************ * Copyright (c) 1999 by CT-Team, 33415 Verl * only use for CT-DEBUG_Simulator * you can use or modify this report for your own work as long * as you don't try to sell or republish it. * in no event will the author be liable for indirect, special, * Incidental, or consequental damages (if any) arising out of * the use of this report. * ************************************************************************ BREAK-POINT. *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////* MOVE: 'Read tables and use a VARTAB (DEFINE-Macro)' TO SY-TITLE. *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////* *************** Externe Tabellen ********************** TABLES: YT100. "only use for CT-DEBUG_Simulator * DATA: HUGO(13) TYPE C. *************** Makrodefinitionen ********************** DEFINE VARTAB. DATA: BEGIN OF &1 OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE &2. DATA ZSUMME1(5) TYPE N. DATA: END OF &1. END-OF-DEFINITION. * DEFINE FILLTAB_BINARY. &1 = YT100. TRANSLATE &1 TO UPPER CASE. READ TABLE &1 WITH KEY (HUGO) = &2+0(8) BINARY SEARCH. CASE SY-SUBRC. WHEN 0. ADD 1 TO &1-ZSUMME1. MODIFY &1 INDEX SY-TABIX. WHEN 4. ADD 1 TO &1-ZSUMME1. INSERT &1 INDEX SY-TABIX. WHEN 8. ADD 1 TO &1-ZSUMME1. APPEND &1. ENDCASE. END-OF-DEFINITION. * *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////* ************* Programmsteuerung ******************* *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////* * * VARTAB IT100 YT100. "macro: global table PERFORM READ-YT100. * PERFORM DISPLAY-IT100. * *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////* ************* Unterprogramme ******************* *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////* ************************************************************************ * Read and display a few rows of YT100 ************************************************************************ FORM READ-YT100. * ULINE. SKIP 2. WRITE: /5 'Step 1: Read YT100 and fill IT100 in binary mode' COLOR 5. *....................................................................... SELECT * FROM YT100 UP TO 70 ROWS WHERE ZSPRSL EQ 'E' AND ZARBGB GT 'Z20'. * MOVE 'ZTEXT1+0(8)' TO HUGO. FILLTAB_BINARY IT100 IT100-ZTEXT1. "marco * ENDSELECT. * ENDFORM. ************************************************************************ * display internal table it100 ************************************************************************ FORM DISPLAY-IT100. * ULINE. SKIP 2. WRITE: /5 'Step 2: display it100, binary-key are byte 1-8 of ZTEXT1'. SKIP 1. *....................................................................... WRITE: /1 'ZSPRSL', 8 'ZARBGB', 15 'ZMSGNR', 22 'ZSUMME', 29 'ZTEXT1'. ULINE. SKIP. * LOOP AT IT100. WRITE: /1 IT100-ZSPRSL, 8 IT100-ZARBGB, 15 IT100-ZMSGNR, 22 IT100-ZSUMME1, 29 IT100-ZTEXT1, 29 IT100-ZTEXT1+0(8) COLOR 3. ENDLOOP. * ENDFORM. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ******************* Programmende ***************************************