CT-Debug & Trace Module – System Requirements …
Here are some information about system requirements provided.
1. Interfaces to the SAP Application Server
The communication between the ‘CT-Debug & Trace Module’ and the application server is exclusively based on certified standard interfaces of the company SAP SE, Walldorf.
2. Integrity of the used operating system
The ‘CT-Debug&Trace_Module’ does not make direct or indirect changes to the PC operating system or to the application server.
3. Software requirements
- Operating system, Front-End PC: Windows® NT 4.0 / 2000 / XP / Windows 7 /Windows 8
- SAP-System, Application Server: SAP® R/3® 3.x to 4.7 (R/3 Enterprise), mySAP™ ERP, SAP Netweaver™ 6.10 bis 7.30, SAP® APO, SAP® BW, mySAP™ CRM, as well as all further components which are based on SAP Netweaver.
- SAP® GUI für Windows®: aktuelles Release ab 6.203 (Nov.2002).
- Standard interfaces: ‘BC-MID-RFC’ (SAP® RFC) and ‘BC-FES-SCR’ (SAP® GUI Scripting) installed during the SAP GUI standard installation.
- For the communication between the front-end PC and the application server an SAP® GUI is used in addition (Automation GUI).
- During the installation an authorization key for the CT-Module has to be entered.
4. Notes on Unicode SAP systems
Unicode SAP® systems will be supported (small-endian as well as big-endian Unicode systems). For these Unicode systems the server components of the add-on (ABAP function module and ABAP workreports) are available in a compatible ABAP syntax Unicode form.
5. Hardware Requirements
- Processor: Minimum 500 Mhz
- Main memory: Minimum 256 MB
- Graphics card: 65,000 colors or higher
- Monitor: 17 inches, 1024 x 768 or higher
- Disk memory: approx. 50 MB